JPG Magazine: MsB

Saturday, June 09, 2007

another blog

Yesterday I made a wise ass comment about the profession and business I made a very good living at for 25 years. Some days I just will spare nothing to reach for the laugh. Yesterday it was arrowed at my clients. I have to say when I left Oregon 6 years ago the thing I missed the most were those wonderful women I sent many of my waking hours with being compensated monetarily and socially by. Granted it took some years to build a clientele that was such a pleasure to me and yes, there were those ones that I would weed out of my life because they were to much of an emotional draw for me.

The woman I worked with for years and eventually bought the business from died of colon cancer. Very traumatic and sad. I watched her year after year put up with very draining, picky, people. They came there because she gave and gave. And when she was diagnosed with the big C I often wondered how much impact her unwillingness to let go of people that were unpleaseable had on her cancer diagnosis.

I feel I was very lucky early in that career to have good business mentors. People that told me you can't please them all and there is somebody right for everybody but YOU don't have to be right for everybody. Someone told me if I felt like I wasn't being paid enough for my time and expertise to raise my prices. If I wasn't feeling compensated for my services it would reflect in my work. And another very wise woman told me if I thought I was charging to much then after bills and taxes if I still felt that way, She could find many a charitable organization to help me with my dilemma.

Now if I could just transfer that into my personal life. The woman that can't say no. I think it's a malady of the soul. If I do enough for others I will be rewarded. That must stem from the Christian ethic I had force fed to my by generations of guilt and shame. Nothing wrong with Christianity but sometimes, it breaks down in translation as do, dare I say, all religions; some religions; most religions. Actually that's a moot point. For me, it has broke down in the translation. I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater....

I really am grateful I lucked onto 12 step programs to sort this all out. A starting place. Point zero for me. And all the doors that have been opened as a result of. My ability to utilize many a wise thought and not be shackled to the dogma. Well, geez, did I get off on a tear today. I do believe I am about done now with another blog.


Anonymous said...

Given that my mother is a pastor and I went to Lutheran schools through High School, you can about imagine how I feel/felt on the X-ianity subject. Not to mention that my father was a Jew.......
The program is something else, isn't it? What a gift I have been given.

twodogsblogging said...

Great post, Bawa. Yes, many churches have perverted Jesus' message it seems to me. Keep on keeping on. I hope your yard sale went well.