JPG Magazine: MsB

Sunday, June 17, 2007

A blog gem

5 daily remembrances

1. I am of the nature to grow old. There is no way to escape growing old.
2. I am of the nature to have ill-health. There is no way to escape having ill-health.
3. I am of the nature to die. There is no way to escape death.
4. All that is dear to me, and everyone I love are of the nature to change. There is no way to escape being separated from them.
5. My actions are my only true belongings. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions.

-Thich Nhat Hanh, buddhist monk, teacher, activist


Pammie said...

good post....thanks

ArahMan7 said...

Hi B. How are you? Long time no see. Hope you're in the best of health.

Thanks for sharing the remembrance.

Anonymous said...

Lovely post.
BTW, I am jealous you and Ms. Dogs get to spend some time together. ;-)

Lee~William said...

Thank you ..!

Remembering our nature can be reassuring indeed.