JPG Magazine: MsB

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Lucy likes to help

Silly Cat
Can't fold clothes
Tips basket

Poetry By:
Marc Olmsted of Hy-Art


Roy said...

Nice. I think that's a really neat picture on a couple levels.

One of our cats is drawn to clean laundry and likes to bury himself in it.

Shadow said...

...but she can 'iron' them...

asha said...

No...but they are very good at unfolding them.

My Other Blog said...

My Siamese used to climb into suitcases every time I'd pack to go away. Too bad I never went anywhere that allowed pets.

Anonymous said...

We had a cat that was very curious about the clothes dryer. But, you know, just that one time.

msb said...

had? yikes!

Roy said...

I swear! I just let him stay in there for one revolution. That was all!

He survived. His eyes sure were big.

Mark Olmsted said...

It's inches away from a haiku:

Silly Cat
Can't fold clothes
Tips basket