JPG Magazine: MsB

Friday, January 26, 2007

The ongoig saga of Pete the dog

Well the time has come to take Dr. Scott Brucchieri to court on the botched neuter he did on Pete. It almost Petey's demise and cost me over $900.00 to save him. For all the details on that read my post on April 26, 2006. A person contacted me from a spay neuter clinic in Tucson and said he reeked enough havoc in her clinic the State Board of Veterinary Medicine saw fit to fine him $500.00. They only fined him $500.00 for the improprieties in the handling of Pete.

Its fine with me that that state is able to make money on cases like this. With out the ability to oversee the quality of our Veternary Medicine I'm sure cases like this would be rampent. But none of that money comes back to the pet owner. So I have to pursue a case on my behalf in civil court. That ought to be an interesting experiance that I'm really not looking forward to.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

icky flu gunga crap

Have mounds of paperwork before me that MUST be done pronto or my fiscally sound life will become just a memory. I've been sick for almost 3 weeks and have really fallen behind. I made phone calls to all $ recipients and explained. As I have not the ability to work right now my phone calls are rather weak. At this moment I just have to laugh. I know it will all work out but boy sometimes life on the tightrope gets pretty spooky.

Here are some beautiful greyhound friends of mine. One of them thinks its race time every time the dryer buzzer goes off. They are rescue dogs and have some very interesting behaviors but but they are now being loved and nurtured and hopefully their old lives will become just a memory and they will be able to smile at life's abundance.